How this is done depends upon the license you have. Moving WHMCS When you move your WHMCS system, if the domain, IP or directory you use it in is changing then you will need to have your license updated.
Congratulations, now you know how to request a WHMCS license from AMP!
Now you can, be sure to enter the license in the Valid License Key field. Within a few minutes, an email will be sent to your on file. You will then see a list of your active subscriptions, including your WHMCS license. You will see information regarding the license read through, then click the Proceed button to continue. Under your Reseller plan, click Request WHMCS License. In this guide I will show you how to request a WHMCS license from AMP, you can then. WHMCS is a good way to provide this functionality to your Reseller account. As a you may need a Billing or Support system in place where your customers can request help, or make payments.